About me

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I got my start in real estate by investing and flipping houses. From there, I obtained my real estate license and have been assisting clients for the past 5 years. I love being outside and getting my boots dirty and spend a lot of time working cows and managing the family ranch. I also love writing about and discussing economics, finance, markets, and all things real estate. On this front, I am a self-professed real estate nerd. Prior to life as a Realtor, I served my community and nation as a police officer and United States Marine. I graduated from Texas A&M University in 2003 and earned a MA in Economics from the University of Oklahoma in 2010. I have been married to Sarah (also a Realtor) for 20 years and together we have four, incredible kids. An Eagle Scout myself, I volunteer with Scouts BSA as a leader with Troop 405 where I hope to influence the future of the community, state, and nation in important but small ways.